Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Gone Fishin'

Fishin'? Not really my style. However, I will be taking a short break from the blog to maximize quality time with my family and prepare for a summer vacation.

Don't worry fam; I'm not leaving you high and dry. I know some of you are looking past these hazy, lazy days and planning for winter vacations. Check out this post on finding cheap airfares to help you save some coin. Also, for those of you living near or planning a trip to the nation's capital, this list of things to do in Washington, DC, this summer will keep you busy.

I'm headed to Sydney, Australia, in a few weeks. It's a trip I've dreamed about for decades (no exaggeration). Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to see how I fare in the Land Down Under. You might see me hugging a koala bear or dancing with a kangaroo.

Enjoy your summer!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Happy Blogiversary! An Honest Post About Six Months of Blogging

Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash

Wow! Time flies when you're...blogging? Six months ago I timidly published my first blog post. I thought starting a blog was the most ludicrous idea that ever ran through my mind. What did I know about blogging, content creation, promotion, social media, or even writing? The answer was not much, but that did not stop me from wanting to try (especially with Google and YouTube in my corner).

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

12 Must-have Free Travel Apps for Your Next Trip

Good travel apps can save busy travelers time and worry. Good and FREE travel apps can save travelers time, worry, and money. Who doesn’t like saving money?

Here are 10 free travel apps that I personally use when traveling, plus two more that I recently downloaded to my phone to use on my next trip.

Quick notes: I have an iPhone. I suspect these apps have an Android equivalent but don’t be mad at me if they do not. Additionally, all of the apps I use are free, but there may be a fee to upgrade to a pro version with more perks.

Monday, January 15, 2018

11 Reasons to Travel Solo in 2018

Why travel alone? The answers can be different for each traveler. I've booked solo trips to shake off work stress, take advantage of last minute vacation deals, and clear my mind after a rough patch in my personal life. On top of those reasons, sometimes I just like the challenge and freedom of venturing out into the world and using my own wits to survive. If you are hesitant to travel alone, let me encourage you. I have returned from solo trips well-rested, happy, and with a renewed sense of purpose. Need more incentives? Here are 11 reasons to travel solo this year.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

My 2018 Travel Goals

It is the end of the year which means I am writing my personal and professional goals for the next 12 months. Today I thought, why not write a post about my 2018 travel goals? Traveling more was a priority for me in 2017. After a few years of personal setbacks and health issues, I felt like it was time to focus on the things I love to do, and there are not many things that I love more than travel. I took two trips in 2017, a very brief visit to Chicago and an extravagant (at least by my budget travel standards) 40th birthday trip to Kingston and Montego Bay, Jamaica. In 2018, I plan to at least double, if not triple, that number.

Linda in Montego Bay
Linda in Montego Bay

Sunday, November 26, 2017

3 Travel Shows on Netflix That Will Inspire Your Next Trip

Traveling is great, but sometimes I crave a weekend at home in my jammies, spending quality time with my sofa and the TV remote. A quiet weekend at home is good for the soul, and thanks to Netflix, I can use the time to spark ideas for upcoming travels.

Netflix has a list of binge-worthy travel shows. For the cost of a Netflix subscription, you can tour unique hotel properties across the world, tag along with a father-son duo exploring southeast Asia, and watch the epicurean travels of a semi-famous sitcom writer. You can experience all of this without ever leaving the comfort of your living room.

Here are three travel shows on Netflix that I enjoyed on a recent low key weekend. Check them out the next time you are grabbing some "me time" or stuck in the house due to nasty weather.