Showing posts with label Solo travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solo travel. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Five Things About My Trip to Sydney

My trip to Sydney, Australia, fully lived up to expectations. What a splendid city! I am planning a return trip because five days was not nearly enough time.

I am going through my pictures and collecting my thoughts about the trip. Here are some quick impressions of Sydney and some things I loved about the city.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Gone Fishin'

Fishin'? Not really my style. However, I will be taking a short break from the blog to maximize quality time with my family and prepare for a summer vacation.

Don't worry fam; I'm not leaving you high and dry. I know some of you are looking past these hazy, lazy days and planning for winter vacations. Check out this post on finding cheap airfares to help you save some coin. Also, for those of you living near or planning a trip to the nation's capital, this list of things to do in Washington, DC, this summer will keep you busy.

I'm headed to Sydney, Australia, in a few weeks. It's a trip I've dreamed about for decades (no exaggeration). Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to see how I fare in the Land Down Under. You might see me hugging a koala bear or dancing with a kangaroo.

Enjoy your summer!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

How to Avoid Eating Alone While Traveling Solo

Recently, I wrote a post about how to enjoy eating out alone. The goal of the post was to share tips and advice, drawn from years of good and bad experiences, on how to make solo dining enjoyable and easier. I like eating alone, but I know there are some people who will never learn to enjoy it. Eating alone in public is an onerous by-product of traveling solo for them. I wrote this post with those folks in mind. Here are three tips to avoid eating alone while traveling solo.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

How To Enjoy Eating Out Alone - Advice from a Solo Dining Veteran

There are many challenges to overcome when you travel solo. One that is usually near the top of the list is eating out alone. The fear of sitting companionless in a busy restaurant is enough to drive the most confident person to the carry-out line.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Perfect Solo Itinerary for 24 Hours in Las Vegas

I found myself with a few days off from work and cash to spend. Where to go for a quick, fun vacation? Las Vegas, baby! One problem, though. No one else was available to travel with me on this last minute trip.

I traveled solo for years but admit to being a bit intimidated at the thought of visiting "Sin City" by myself. My impressions of typical Las Vegas visitors are couples on a romantic getaway, large groups of guys and gals descending on the city for pre-wedding debauchery, and silver-haired seniors ambling from casino to casino. None of these profiles screamed awesome vacation for a solo female traveler. However, I like a challenge and was determined to get out of town.

Monday, January 15, 2018

11 Reasons to Travel Solo in 2018

Why travel alone? The answers can be different for each traveler. I've booked solo trips to shake off work stress, take advantage of last minute vacation deals, and clear my mind after a rough patch in my personal life. On top of those reasons, sometimes I just like the challenge and freedom of venturing out into the world and using my own wits to survive. If you are hesitant to travel alone, let me encourage you. I have returned from solo trips well-rested, happy, and with a renewed sense of purpose. Need more incentives? Here are 11 reasons to travel solo this year.